SoMLA Assembly Meeting Set for Sept. 21st
Wye Mills, MD – The State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA) is delighted to welcome educators and literacy advocates back for the new school year with a promising lineup of events designed to support and enhance literacy efforts across the region. SoMLA's first Assembly meeting of the year will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland. This gathering will serve as a platform for discussing and planning various initiatives including Membership Drives, upcoming events, and the latest updates from the International Literacy Association (ILA) and Conference 2025. Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage with Stuart Bradshaw from EPS Learning, whose insights are sure to inspire and energize participants. Please confirm your attendance and hotel accommodations by completing the Google Form by September 18th. Google Form link A detailed agenda will be provided one week prior to the meeting. We look forward to your participation and to a year of collaborative success in literacy.
The Benefits of Membership
Members of SoMLA enjoy membership benefits such as free webinar and professional development opportunities. Professional development opportunities are advertised in our bi-monthly newsletter. A subscription to our newsletter is included with your membership. With your membership you will also enjoy a reduced rate to our annual conference. Joining SoMLA will also connect you with a local SoMLA chapter where you can connect with educators who are regionally located near you. Won't you consider joining us? Annual membership is $30. |
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